The pre-Christmas Rush: Why it pays to book early

15 November 2020

As the end of the year approaches, companies need to finalise their freight arrangements and get their shipments out to sea ASAP. We’ve moved into the busy period of the year now, and before we know it, vessels may be fully booked until after Christmas.

To avoid panic, peak prices and postponed deliveries, we recommend to organise the shipments now.

If you want your products to hit the shops in time for Christmas, it’s time to start booking. Carriers become very busy and last minute bookers are usually disappointed.  On many occasions vessels are oversubscribed and haulage is booked out days if not weeks in advance.

This is the busiest time of the year for everybody in the shipping industry. Failing to book ahead will see you forced to deal with increased costs, delayed shipments and unanticipated issues due to reduced haulage availability.

Those who leave their shipping until the last minute find that most carriers are full and booked out. Collection spots are hard to come by, and getting products onto the right vessels is near-impossible. By the beginning of December, there’s limited opportunity to meet the intended vessel.

What’s the latest date for shipments to arrive by Christmas?

Delivery deadline dates vary depending on where you’re based and to which port you’re sending items.

For example, transit times to the UK from the United States are around 10 days, whilst from Asia they are 6-8 weeks. These delivery estimates typically increase over the rush period.

It must be noted that your shipment is very unlikely to reach its destination on time if you wait to the last minute – no matter where in the world you may be.

When does the rush period end?

In between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, the rush period draws to a close. Many companies swap to skeleton staff from Christmas Eve, and normal service resumes following the holidays.

Despite the tendency of some organisations to cut staff at this time of year, any vessels scheduled to run on Christmas Day will do so as planned

Book early with Allseas Global

Get a quote for your shipment right now with Allseas Global. If you have any questions, simply call +44 (0)330 555 5555 or email and our team will be able to help.

We can assist with any bookings and ensure your deliveries are sent to the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

With Allseas, you can save hundreds on Christmas shipping. All you need to do is use our service sooner rather than later. Book now and get in before the rush.

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