Our Expertise
Digital Platform
Bring your supply chain into the digital age
The world of International trade is shifting. Costs are increasing, customers are expecting more, technologies are dramatically altering the landscape, and barriers to entry continue to get lowered.
We recognised this trend and invested in our partnership with Mercado, the software platform that helps you modernise and transform your global supply chain. So you can act, not react, keeping you competitive in this increasingly challenging landscape.
Introducing the Mercado platform
Most importers are still using Excel and email to manage their imports. The Mercado platform brings your supply chain into the 21st century, and upgrades your analog supply to connect with your digital demand. Consisting of three applications, Source, Order, and Ship, Mercado is designed to improve your International supply chain by an order of magnitude.
Better manage your imports, from source to store
Mercado has been specifically built to help businesses better manage the complexities of the international supply chain. Discover an affordable solution to solve the manual, opaque and process orientated issues within your supply chain today.