Preparing for Brexit

25 October 2019

Earlier this year we wrote about how you can prepare for the potential No-Deal Brexit, at the time the UK political landscape was shaky at best, and now, having gone through yet another dramatic shift, we’re still no nearer a clear exit plan for the UK’s departure from the EU. In fact, new legislation has come in that makes the case for yet another extension to the leaving date from 31 October 2019 to 31 January 2020.

Recently, GM Business asked our Commercial Director, Bryn Atherton, what the impact of Brexit is having on Allseas.

Here’s what Bryn had to say on the topic:

“Whilst Westminster continue to wrap themselves up in knots over how to handle Brexit the rest of us can only sit back and wait for the outcome and consequences or benefits of what that will bring.

The manufacturing sector and exporters are obviously concerned on what impact the decisions over the coming months will have, and importers will no doubt have similar situations. Within the freight and shipping community we are in the dark as much as anyone else.

I have attended various meetings, open forums and talks which to be honest seem to give no real answer as to what will happen. We however, are not worried about how to support our clients’ business.

70% of our shipments are outside the EU. Also, our European partners very much rely on UK business. In the short term if or when Brexit hits, there may be slight delays in transport in and out of Europe whilst new procedures are enforced, however it is felt the infrastructure and systems are not yet in place to make a major difference and any new measures would be introduced in stages rather than overnight.

If there is a sudden switch to customs clearing cargo in and out of Europe we already have the systems in place to accommodate, and training will be given to staff in order to ensure the smoothest flow of business.

From an operational point of view the situation feels much like the Millennium bug scare stories of 1999. We don’t fear change, and we are ready to continue supporting our clients through the next few months whatever happens.”

For the latest information on how to prepare your business for Brexit from HMRC –

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