Helping to support kids safely back to the classroom in Malawi
11 October 2020
We’ve recently proudly supported and funded the shipment of critical PPE to the Mountain View School for Deaf Children in Malawi. Our consignment, shipped on behalf or The Provincial Grand Lodge (Freemasons) of Perthshire East and the local Dossani Trust, included many protective items such as face visors and aprons to soap and surgical gloves. We are also currently delighted to be involved in the shipment of 25 boxes of second-hand tools from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ross and Cromarty who have been actively involved with the school for over 12 years.
The children who attend this school are particularly vulnerable to any form of virus given that many of them have inherited Aids from their parents. So the newly delivered PPE will afford all learners, teachers and support staff on campus protection from the Covid-19 pandemic for at least the coming term, with further shipments planned for later in the year. Until now, they were only able to source six plastic buckets with taps.
The school has been deserted since mid-March apart from Modester and other staff living on the campus. So the PPE forms part of the latest efforts to allow the children back to their important school studies.
Daily deaths from the virus are thankfully reducing in Malawi, so this latest batch of PPE shall hopefully help maintain this steady decline.
We wish all the very best to everyone at Mountain View and The Grand Lodge.
Mission accomplished.

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