Challenging yacht shipment for Allseas

07 February 2014

Allseas Global Logistics' project team has transported a yacht from a shipyard in Rayong, Thailand to Southampton, UK.

There was no feasible way to move the yacht by road to the port of Laem Chabang due to its size, so Allseas instead moved the yacht on a cradle to the beach, where it could be lifted onto a barge.

To ensure the stability of the crane when lifting from the sand, Allseas positioned steel platforms for the crane to stand on.

In order to get the barge close enough so that the crane could lift the yacht safely within its reach, the barge was sent in on high tide, where it sat on the shore and received the yacht, before being refloated out when the lift was completed.

The yacht was then transported down river to the port, where the multipurpose, ocean-going vessel’s onboard crane was used to lift the boat directly from the barge onto the ship’s deck.

Author: Mark Binge, Group Commercial Manager


Also published on: Heavy Lift

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