Camille’s Appeal

08 January 2014

Camille's Appeal - Annual Fund Raising Ball

Allseas were proud to assist, in a small way, to the fund raising efforts of the appeal by donating their Christmas card spend along with 2 tickets, for the auction, in an executive box at Old Trafford for the Swansea game in January, 2014.

A fabulous evening consisting of excellent food, music, and company ….. and of course many tears, raised in excess of £18,000 for this worthy cause.

The charity was formed in August 2009 to help children under the age of five who are suffering from a brain tumour. The main focus of Camille’s Appeal is to look at ways to ensure that the long-term effects of treatment are minimised to allow the child to lead a normal life.

Felixstowe Branch Manager, Mark Binge, photographed with Hayley, the proud mum of Camille at the Annual Camille's Appeal fund raising ball.

Felixstowe Branch Manager, Mark Binge, photographed with Hayley, the proud mum of Camille at the Annual Camille’s Appeal fund raising ball.

If you wish to know more information about Camille’s appeal, please visit their website:

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