Allseas Global Logistics named IFW Project / Heavylift Forwarder of the Year

04 December 2011

Allseas Global Logistics named IFW Project / Heavylift Forwarder of the Year

ALLSEAS Global Logistics is celebrating after being named Project/Heavylift Forwarder of the Year in the International Freighting Weekly awards. This award recognises Allseas’ huge achievements in delivering a unique shipment that was to play a vital role in the recovery of Japan after the country’s tragic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.
A desperately needed, newly built nuclear power station was ready for commissioning at Shimane in Japan – but new government regulations following the Fukushima crisis meant it was not permitted to open until emergency power back-up was in place.

Allseas was contracted to transport five vast generator units, two equipment control rooms and other vital components to Shimane, just weeks before the plant was due to open. The various parts of the consignment had to be transported to Japan from locations in the Netherlands, the UK and the United States.

“We are absolutely delighted to have been honoured with this IFW award,” said managing director Andrew Morris. “It is a fantastic recognition of the expertise, efforts and achievements of the team involved in this project.

“When Allseas was entrusted with this delivery, we knew that the task ahead was huge, complex and immensely challenging, particularly as we were working to such tight deadlines. Indeed, the task drew on all of our expertise and experience, and relied on a good mix of meticulous planning, flexibility, innovation and on-the-spot problem solving.”

Once vessel availability was identified and confirmed, Allseas had to find a way of transporting the large trailer-mounted generators; they could not be lifted by themselves and could not be driven on Japan’s roads because of bridge and tunnel restrictions and their weight. The only way to deliver them was direct to the nuclear power plant. Bespoke transportation and lifting equipment was designed and manufactured and a unique lifting method was devised, and used in the port of Xingang.

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Also published on: Intrade Magazine

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